Gaboras - Real Estate Market

Gaboras offers you a secure and reliable real estate platform
On this platform you can quickly and securely buy/sell/rent real estate, open or participate in an auction.


My Roles
- Mobile App Developer - [Flutter]
Highlighted Features
- Localization
- Authentication
- Advanced Search & Filtering & Sorting
- Seamles Infinite Product Listing
- Push Notifications
- Socket Integration
- Payment Integration
- High Security & Performance
- Advanced App Analysis
- Strict code rules
- Flavoring
- Modular Code Structure
Technical Features
- Localization - easy_localization
- State Management -riverpod
- HTTP Client - dio
- Navigation - go_router
- Localization easy_localization
- Modelling - freezed & json_serializable
- Security - freeRASP & crypto & encrypt
- Local Storage - hive
- Environment - envied
- Push Notifications - firebase_messaging
- Analytics - firebase_analytics & firebase_crashlytics
- CI/CD - codemagic
- Linter - flutter_lints & dart_code_metrics
- Favorite Tools device_preview & flutter_hooks
Some Notes
I’m still working here, so some features may change over time.